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Lymphoma Gold Support


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Gizmo’s Journey: Lymphoma In Cats

Inspiring Pet Tails 5 min read
Gizmo’s Journey: Lymphoma In Cats

It’s never easy to find out our furkids are sick. We are always here to help make difficult moments easier for pet parents. Gizmo’s dad got in touch with us eager to learn more about the supplement’s that we had here at NHV. The more we spoke with his dad, we learned that little Gizmo had been diagnosed with cell Lymphoma and his pawrents wanted to help him in any way they could.

Muck, Gizmo’s dad, was unsure whether Gizmo had been diagnosed with small or large cell lymphoma. Upon contacting the vet, he found out that the type of testing done did not determine the size but gives a definite result. ”We just read the word “lymphoma” and it was like the end of the world for us, it didn’t even occur to us that we could also examine what kind he had.” – Gizmo’s pawrents were frightened after discovering the seriousness of the diagnosis, like any of us would be. Luckily for Gizmo, they caught the disease at its earlier stages, although according to Muck “Looking back, I can tell you there probably were some signs and symptoms at least 6-7 months before he was diagnosed.”

gizmo cat on top of a desk

Diagnosing Gizmo’s Lymphoma Type

We all worry about the dreaded C- word and what it entails for our pets. Many of us know that lymphoma is a type of cancer, but what does it actually mean? Lymphoma starts off in the Lymphocytes — cells that are part of the immune system, located in the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. The terms “large cell” and “small cell” are used to describe the appearance of the cancer cells under the microscope. This helps veterinarians determine the type of cancer, where it began, and how abnormal the cells are. This then helps them with prognosis and what treatment will be most effective for lymphoma in cats.

The first symptoms that they noticed with Gizmo were the swollen lymph nodes on his neck. Gizmo was examined and the blood work seemed to be okay. There were signs of inflammation that were related to his gingivitis and antibiotics were prescribed making the symptoms disappear after a week. Muck noticed something else that was unusual, how Gizmo drank his water – “I can’t even describe it – he would start drinking, then stop and take a short pause, and then start again – it’s really hard to explain but imagine a bird drinking water – every time it takes a sip it tilts its head back…later on – after having a rhinoscopy – we knew the reason why – his left nostril was completely blocked and there was a mass in there.”

Gizmo began to lose his hair not so long after this and his pawrent’s supplemented him with cod liver oil and vitamins in the hopes that something would help him. They were testing his blood regularly as he had severe and chronic constipation. He had a tough period of 3 days, slept most of the day and his gums were inflamed. Gizmo started on antibiotics again, but began sneezing and had some nasal discharge which eventually deteriorated to blood coming from the nose.

Muck wanted to advise people to watch out for any signs or symptoms, as he put it – “has your pet changed some of their habits; how are they eating, how are they breathing – you know your pet better than anyone else in the world, you – as a pet parent, could notice some minor changes that your vet might not be able to but if you tell them about it, they’ll probably have a better understanding of what’s going on and a better chance of testing whatever necessary.” This is such a valuable piece of information for anyone that may be concerned about their pet’s health. Trust your instincts, you know your pet best!

Holistic Help For Gizmo

Being located in Croatia, proved difficult to find a holistic vet or a complete holistic protocol for Gizmo. That’s why we’re so happy that Muck found us through his own online research, and we were able to help Gizmo and advise on the right supplements for him. To hear such positive news, was amazing. We are so happy for Gizmo and his family and hope that the supplements continue to help him.

We’ve noticed that only after a couple of days since he started using them, Gizmo has more energy. What’s more, he is acting like a healthy happy kitty; he never refuses to eat his food with NHV products in it. They smell good and they taste good (don’t laugh and – yes, I did taste them!). You can mix them all together in a bowl, and it makes the whole procedure a lot easier to perform. And last but not least – they’re all-natural products. Plus, you can always send an email with all of your questions and concerns.

After speaking with our in-house veterinarian, Dr. Amanda, Muck decided to add Turmeric, Milk Thistle, Yucca, and Natures Immuno to Gizmo’s regimen along with the Lymphoma Gold Support kit. They have also decided to add the Maris for Gizmo’s constipation and BK Detox to support the system while fighting cancer. Gizmo’s pawrents have been very proactive in researching the supplements and monitoring him closely. Like many of us pet parents, it may not be about the cure but about keeping your pet as happy and as comfortable as we possibly can.

Gizmo’s dad describes what life is like now that Gizmo has had his diagnosis and taking the supplements – “Honestly, we’re not even thinking about cancer at the moment – as long as our baby is doing okay, we are grateful for every single day we have with him. We are aware that lymphoma is a badass and we are keeping it in mind that he might not always be feeling as good as he is right now, but the important thing is that TODAY he is fine and that’s the only thing that matters. We’re just trying to enjoy every second we’ve got with our Gizmo and we are really happy to have chosen the holistic way – no matter how our journey ends, I’d always prefer holistic rather than chemo or radiation.”

We are so happy to be able to write this blog to help other cats with the same condition as Gizmo. Muck was also extremely happy to be able to share Gizmo’s story. He wants other pet parents to know that they are not the only ones going through such a difficult time with their fur babies. “I would also like to encourage all pet parents in a similar situation- just follow the main rules: strengthen the immune system, help the body to detox and be sure your baby has the best quality food and freshwater.” It’s so important to know that there is hope, even if that means just getting to spend an extra day with your little loved one. You can also see what Gizmo and his sibling, Min have been getting up to on their Facebook.

Ask your NHV Pet Experts for the best regimen your cat can have from all the supplements we have for lymphoma. Each cat is unique and has different symptoms. At NHV, we like to look at each case closely before recommending the best supplements. Get in touch today!

Juliet the cat was diagnosed with large cell lymphoma at the age of 12

Lymphoma Wars: Kobi-Wan Kenobi Strikes Back

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: March 4, 2020

2 replies

  1. helen says:

    hello there,
    I am desperate at the moment trying to save and heal my baby micky
    he is 13-14 years. And recently i found out that he has a what u call it “mass” on his chest basically which is covering his lungs and heart. the vet had told me that they are not sure if it’s cancer or not but have said it would cost MYR 46,377.95 Aud for a specialist to examine this and to tell u if it’s cancerous or not. ever since we found out micky has been vomiting, and lost his apetite. he is also on [pharmaceutical name removed] to help him be happy and comfortable. i am force feeding him with a syringe as he won’t be eat. but after when he eats he would vomit and gagged it all out. he is losing weight by the day and i am desperate to find a hollistic where i could help him in anyways. I want his pain to go away and to extend his life a little longer 🙁
    pls pls i’m desperte for some advice and any help as i know i have nothitn to lose
    i’d do anything for my fur baby to live a little longer 🙁 i have been researching eveyday seeking for natural products in which i can help micky. i was readying up ur thistle milk and tumeric . i was wondering would this help with my fur baby? i look forward to your reply

    regards Helen

    1. Team NHV says:

      Hi Helen,

      We’re really sorry to hear about Micky’s chest “mass”. We can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be for him.

      We know you’ve purchased Resp-Aid and Turmeric for him. We hope the Turmeric has arrived and let us know if you haven’t already.

      It’s really important to support and address his main concerns as well. Resp-Aid and Turmeric can help with the symptoms of this chest mass as it’s causing pain, discomfort and breathing concerns.

      We may have a regimen that can help to support both of them against their health symptoms.

      On top of the Turmeric and Resp-Aid, we have,

      We have Natures Immuno, which is a mushroom blend rich in anti-cancer, anti-tumor properties, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help Micky’s body against this chest mass concern. Mushrooms are known to have tumor shrinking properties that can be very helpful for Micky.

      Yucca is a super herb that can help the body produce natural corticosteroids. The herbal properties can help to support his body against pain and inflammation naturally. Yucca is also a natural appetite stimulant.

      Do take your time to go through our recommended regimen and feel free to share this with your vet team. We’ll be just a message away to help support your precious little one. Sending lots of love and healing vibes to your boy!

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