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Tripsy™ for cats

Supplement for kidney, renal and bladder problems in cats

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Brownie and Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read
Brownie was dealing with multiple health issues that were causing her lots of discomfort. Her furmom Farheen reached out to us for help and we've been so happy to have been able to naturally support Brownie's multiple health issues!

As furparents, we’re always keeping a watchful and loving eye on our little ones. We love them so much and just want to keep them as safe and protected as possible. That’s why naturally supporting Brownie through chronic kidney disease and other health issues has been so important to us!

We completely understand how hard it can be for us when our furkids aren’t feeling well. We’ll do all that we can to make sure that they stay comfortable and happy. Although finding out your furkiddo is ill can be really difficult, it doesn’t always have to be devastating news. There are still lots of ways that you can help support your little one!

Farheen is a prime example of a furmom who has never given up on her little one when she needed her most! We’re super proud of her Farheen and Brownie. We’ve felt so lucky to have been a part of her journey with her sweet Brownie for three years now!

Brownie stretching out on the bed.

Brownie’s Health

Brownie, Farheen’s beautiful 14-year-old kitty, had been dealing with chronic liver and kidney issues, diabetes, some fevers, vomiting, and her liver and pancreas were inflamed. We can only imagine how stressful this must have been for the pair.

Farheen had also just lost two sweethearts recently so she was determined to find something that could help support her sweet Brownie.

Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a common condition that can affect cats of any age. CKD is characterized as abnormalities of kidney function that can make your little one very uncomfortable.

Symptoms of CKD can include:

  • Increased thirst
  • Increase urination
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Anemia

CKD is a progressive disease however diet can play a huge role in managing symptoms and keeping your furkiddo as comfortable as possible.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the most common conditions in cats.

Brownie’s All-Natural Regimen

Our team of vets and pet experts has been working closely with Farheen to develop a regimen to help keep our furriend Brownie as comfortable as possible.

For Brownie’s kidneys, we suggested Tripsy because it can help maintain healthy kidney function and can help support the pancreas.

Milk Thistle can be a powerful aid in maintaining healthy liver function while also promoting regeneration of liver cells.

Brownie’s also been using Mellit to support her diabetes, too. Mellit can help to manage blood sugar levels, eases uncomfortable symptoms, and can help improve energy levels. Mellit is also helpful for general pancreas support.

Petomega 3 is also useful in providing furkiddos with overall vitality as well as joint and immune system support. Petomega 3 contains fish oils that are a natural source of essential fatty acids that also help support kidney and urinary health.

ES-Clear can help to promote good quality of life, supports detoxification of the body, and can help scavenge free radicals.

Last but not least, we recommended Multi Essentials because it contains herbs rich in vitamins and minerals to help to fill dietary gaps, promote skin and coat health, and can help boost energy levels.

Progress For Brownie

The road has not been easy for Farheen and Brownie but they’ve been powering through despite the odds! Her health condition can be a bit of a rollercoaster at times, but she’s got all the love and support she needs from us and Farheen!

“My life and Brownie’s life has become so much easier, since NHV supplements. We both can’t thank NHV team enough to come into our life in such dark times when we both were at our lowest low and I was frantically working/ trying to save Brownie!!”
Brownie the cat with chronic kidney disease lounging on the couch

Our hearts are so full knowing that we’ve been a part of what’s been helping to make Farheen and Brownie’s lives easier. We’re so happy for them and we’re sending them all of our love and healing vibes!

If you ever feel like you need an extra hand (or paw), our team of vets and pet experts is always here for you. Don’t hesitate to reach out! Click the button below to get started!

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We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: June 3, 2021

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